Bush Wealth Management Lands on AdvisorHub’s “Advisors to Watch” Ranking

AdvisorHub announced the official results of their first ever Advisors to Watch list. After combing through hundreds of applicants, Bush Wealth Management was named #88 for the Top 100 Fastest Growing Advisors in the nation.

AdvisorHub states, advisors were ranked on a 100-point scale in three categories: scale is a function of assets, production and quality of service; growth is year-over-year change in assets, clients and production; and professionalism includes regulatory record, community involvement and team makeup.

The AdvisorHub’s publication of the list states, “our inaugural ‘Advisors to Watch’ ranking is an attempt to find quality in the 99% who are on their way towards ‘Top Advisor’ status. Our approach still considers fundamental metrics like assets and production, but we counterbalance those metrics with growth. We want to recognize growers and movers-advisors who are actively attracting new clients and growing their portfolios.”

“It’s an honor to be recognized as one of the Fastest Growing Advisors in the nation. We could not have done this without the trust that South Georgia and North Florida has placed in our team. It’s humbling to know that we are providing top tier advice, service, and expertise to our clients.”  – Kent Patrick, Partner, Wealth Advisor

The AdvisorHub 2022 Advisors to Watch ranking was created and conducted by AdvisorHub. Ranking was awarded on September 26, 2022; numerical data submitted was based on 2020 and 2021 year end numbers. Bush Wealth Management did not pay a fee to obtain this rating, although it did pay a fee to use the rating in its marketing. The relevant selection criteria are as follows: A) 7 years of experience; B) A clean regulatory record (3 or fewer complaints with no significant judgements); C) Advisor has been with the firm since 1/1/2020 and is in good standing; and D) AUM is above $100m. Ranking criteria are divided into three main categories: 1) Scope of practice measured by assets, production and level of service; 2) Growth of practice consisting of year over year growth in assets, households and production; and 3) Professionalism which includes regulatory record, community service and team diversity.

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